With its headquarters in Huntington, New York, ThinkBIGsites.com is a marketing agency that understands the challenges of attracting visitors to a website. This company applies proven techniques towards promoting websites on search engines and social networks. Impressing the robots of Google takes a lot of hard work, and that's something that this agency is willing to do. Every single web page of a client's site is audited for proper HTML formatting. Improper tags or outdated strings are fixed in order to gain some points with the algorithmic programs used by Google. ThinkBIGsites.com also focuses on building websites that have solid user interfaces. Users can leave positive feedback about a particular site by sharing content via social media bookmarks. ThinkBIGsites.com also has the resources to list websites on directories which are browsed by many internet surfers worldwide. The integration of maps onto web pages is ideal for promoting businesses on a local scale.