Milestone is a premier agency in web services, specializing in search engine optimization (SEO). Milestone specifically has a niche in SEO for hotels. It has a commitment to the facilitation of "organic" promotion of its clientele by tailoring its clients' websites. Milestone conducts research into popular keywords that yield certain searches and then incorporates those keywords into the websites of their clients whose websites and services would be relevant to a specific search. Milestone strives to saturate client web sites-in page descriptions, general keywords, and "meta tags"-with relevant information that will trigger a search. Milestone also makes a point to submit its clients' web pages to major search engines and use different strategies to insure that a client's web site appears across multiple searches on multiple search engines. Milestone is also committed to continual evaluation of its current strategies and clients. They realize that environments and search engines change, and they are committed to being up to date.