Located in Barrington, an affluent suburban village northwest of Chicago, the aptly named Chicago Ranking is led by CEO James Kwak. It professes to be a one-stop shop for high-quality Internet marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, and website design and development. Chicago Ranking also offers conversion rate optimization (CRO) services and iOS application development. The company relies on the WordPress and Joomla platforms, among others, to build websites that are not only functional, but are optimized for access from any device, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. That way, companies can increase their visibility on the Internet, so that potential customers can discover them and help them increase their revenue through purchase of their products and services. Chicago Ranking offers an on-site SEO Guide, which can be obtained after providing an email for receipt at the company's website. Apart from the Barrington headquarters, Chicago Ranking has an office in Chicago.