Be Found Online was established in 2004 with a group of dedicated Internet marketing professionals. They are headquartered in Chicago, Illinois and offer inbound lead generation, search engine marketing and optimization services. They also offer digital analytics, mobile marketing and location management services. Visit their website at to review all of their services. BFO also offers in-store sales, ecommerce and agency partnerships. They also have an office in London to accommodate off-shore clients. Their team of experts help you drive in-store traffic with multiple channel campaigns. Clients include White Castle, StubHub, Nissan and Bai where you can view results on BFO’s website. Lead generation strategies help your company obtain quality leads that bring you more sales. If you want to redesign your website, incorporate new search engine optimization techniques, then BFO is the company to visit. They also offer analytics to help you measure the results and ensure you have a good return on your investment.