Nowadays, people all over the world are using search engines like Google to find companies that offer the products and services that they are looking for. If you'd like to be able to be found by a global audience, then you're going to need to target the major search engines. However, unlike a smaller business might, you will want to specifically work to show up in the global search engine results rather than just the local ones. SEO Image is a company that can help you with this. Based out of New York City, NY, SEO Image is a reputation management, social, pay-per-click and search engine optimization company. Some of its best work has been in the global market, so if you're someone who wants your business to be successful when marketed in this way, then you'll want to give this company a try. Luckily, SEO Image can talk to you about your company's marketing needs and can help put together the perfect online marketing campaign to help you see the success that your company deserves.