Farotech is a full-service digital marketing agency with an emphasis on search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. Headquartered in Pennsylvania, Farotech seeks to use both local and national SEO to increase a client's reach and turn leads into conversions. Farotech marketing team starts their search engine optimization efforts by doing their own audits of the client's target demographic as well as asking the client questions. These questions might include: who do you see as your target audience?; where is your target audience geographically centralized, or is it?; and, finally, what do you consider your most popular product? The answers to these questions will help determine the digital strategy that Farotech employs vis-a-vis its search engine optimization efforts. Using keywords, high-quality links and abiding by Google standards is the surest way that Farotech knows for consistently increasing clients' organic web traffic. Since Farotech uses local SEO, clients can expect more store visits.