Straight North is an established SEO PR agency that helps clients generate more leads and greater e-commerce revenue. Both display advertising and social media marketing are also used to bolster clients' online revenues and generate buzz around a client's brand. The work at Straight North starts - yet doesn't end - with responsive website designs. A responsive website is one that doesn't need to be manually reformatted on a mobile device. Over half of people now own a Smartphone or access a client's site through mobile devices, which underscores the important of creating a seamless mobile viewing experience for customers. Straight North uses Drupal for its content management system to make websites more customizable from a client's perspective. Drupal allows clients to make ongoing changes to a website's content and page layout. Arguably the greatest asset to Straight North's process, though, is the transparency by which it executes pay-per-click advertising campaigns, SEO and email marketing campaigns. Contact Straight North to schedule a consultation and take your brand to the next level.