A Talented Writer Still Needs to Use a Keyword Planner

If a web author's mentality is solely focused on writing content that is high in quality and useful to audiences in theory, they may be surprised to find that even that does not necessarily ensure either a solid intake of web traffic or good rankings on search engines' SERP listings. It is also important that the author knows how to technically optimize their content so that the hidden algorithms said search services use to rank web pages view the content as "assuredly relevant" and increase its ranking accordingly. These adjustments mainly pertain to making the content more readily identifiable and categorized by the crawler programs that search engines use to index websites.

The most important such adjustment by far is made after the author considers whether there is a certain key phrase that can be strategically repeated throughout the content so that search engines can associate the content with that phrase whenever users query similar phrases. In the modern online environment, the stiff competition between websites over commonly queried stock phrases makes it imperative that there is a more niche yet still culturally significant keyword that a new website can base its brand on. Web owners are therefore highly incentivized toward using keyword-planning tools to discern keywords that satisfy this delicate balance.

Keyword planners operate on assumptions made about Google's ranking algorithms and metrics to numerically estimate the volume of searches a hypothetical keyword should be receiving on the engine's service. Since Google keeps the specifics of its own algorithms concealed from the public out of necessity, however, different keyword planners make different sets of assumptions when running their calculations for the user. Web authors will commonly find that running the same planned keywords through different keyword-planning suites will produce wild discrepancies at times. In truth, the author has to guess which among an estimate made by Ahrefs and a result produced by Semrush is closer to the amount of traffic the proposed keyword will actually receive. It may be prudent to average the totals of the different planners and then assume that the traffic will be slightly higher. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/m0ktqm/searchvolumeconcernsforwsbkeywordsin_the/.