Are Backlinks Still Important Parts of SEO Marketing Strategies?

Over the course of many years, spurring the creation of backlinks had been established as an indispensable part of any website's SEO plan. Previous versions of Google's hidden algorithms considered it important for a given website's ranking prospects because backlinks logically represented the website successfully establishing itself as a worthwhile URL for a particular industry's consumers to look into.

As a result, it was seemingly impossible to find a moderately successful website that reached its levels of success without having devoted significant effort toward directly stimulating the spread of external backlinks through methods such as writing guest blog posts. Other goals that continue to be regarded as "foundational pillars" of SEO include optimizing the site's page structure and researching viable keywords that the site can base the identity of its content and branding around. Furthermore, websites that their authors hope will appear on the front pages of SERPs must be able to perform exceedingly well regardless of the client's connection strength, and they must be designed to display properly on mobile devices.

Because of the overly rigid way of thinking that the backlink requirement promoted, however, websites had steadily been approaching backlink proliferation with an increasingly reductive attitude that held that creating backlinks was a technical requirement for success because the rules said so. Consequently, after recent updates to Google's algorithms, it is widely observed that the effect that a strong backlink profile has on a successful website's SERP placements has diminished overall.

This is not to say that backlinks are no longer a relevant goal in most websites' SEO strategies. It can be said that a very small backlink profile is still quite requisite for showing Google that the site has at least some relevance to particular demographics. Among the SEO factors that dictate the success levels of websites that are small in scale by nature because they only serve local clientele, backlinks seem to be the most significant by a fair margin. Perhaps it can be said that, when a website is only meant to serve local customers, backlinks directly represent proven customers in that narrow area. For more information click here