Backlinks are unquestionably valuable for the prospects of a website that aspires to rank highly enough that many Google search users will see its URL and potentially follow it. Google's indexing procedures and internal algorithms for determining how high a page should be displayed in a given SERP listing are constantly evaluating many factors related to SEO in order to determine whether a page that has already been indexed should have its position adjusted.
Backlinks that have been included in the content hosted by external and unaffiliated websites are one of the most significant metrics considered by the algorithm because they logically would only have been included to serve their respective audiences. If another website's community is presented a backlink by someone prominent within that group, then it stands to reason that the website being linked to is demonstrably relevant to that group.
Of course, there are many factors surrounding a given backlink that can impact its perceived "quality" in the eyes of Google's indexing service. These generally pertain to whether the external site is itself a trusted authority on the subject of the industry the site being linked to is also attempting to service. Even if the website with the backlink satisfies these conditions, the "link juice" quality it may have to offer may depreciate if its content is not routinely updated. On the other hand, the backlink may end up buried under an ever-increasing collection of content such as blog posts, which would result in less traffic that may discover and potentially follow it.
Google's service is highly adept at disregarding backlinks that come from obviously fabricated sources, however. While that prevents website owners from effectively gaming the algorithms and having insincere backlinks give their own sites undue link juice, it also prevents external sites from indirectly lowering the websites' SERP positions with backlinks that would clearly be harmful by association. Auto-blogging websites that literally repost content copied from everywhere else are a straightforward example of external websites that would be causing harm with their backlink duplication were Google treating those backlinks like others on more legitimate sites. For more information click here