It is really sad to say that the SEO world has become a place where practitioners make lofty promises that they are unable to deliver. In some cases, they actually deliver poorly, or at worst, deliver far below their estimates.
There are some real problems with SEO and it seems like that many of them are generated by unreasonable expectations. We particularly issue that must be mentioned, and which should be handled professionally in order to make it disappear, is related to how long it actually takes to see results. All SEO professionals know about clients who expect to see their websites start ranking overnight, and they do not want to pay too much to make this happen. Where did these clients learn to be so unreasonable?
In some cases, unreasonable clients are the result of hearsay generated by their peers; when this happens, it is not difficult to explain how SEO really works so that their expectations can veer towards reality. The real problem is when other SEO practitioners have tried to sell them snake oil, and these happens more often than we think.
It is not difficult to find a way to give clients what they want without too much overhead. For example, if a client simply does not have too much of a budget to work with, you should state how much they will get out of it; more importantly, however, you should explain how long it will really take. Overnight is a word that should not be in the vocabulary of SEO professionals unless they are working with clients who have millions of dollars to spend on a massive Google Ads campaign.
Clients can be more understanding than you think, but you have to be willing to talk to them and explain things in a language they can understand. If they mention that they heard about overnight results from some shady SEO agency, you should be able to explain why such a short time frame is impossible. Clear talk is the only way SEO professionals should communicate with clients. If you are worried about giving away the "secret sauce," you are probably explaining things the wrong way. For more information click here