Search engine optimization is not limited to organic marketing strategies; major brands know that paid online advertising campaigns are pretty much mandatory in these highly competitive times. Clients who opt for paid campaigns have the right to know performance metrics and behavioral analytics, but they should also be informed about industry standards such as AdChoices.
In essence, AdChoices is an ethical component of online advertising that provides information about who is displaying the ads, who is serving them, for what reason, and other details that can help website visitors understand why they are seeing specific advertisements. Every business entity or web platform that serves display advertising must adhere to certain AdChoices guidelines.
The AdChoices icon is usually located on the top right hand corner of a display ad; it looks like the "play" symbol printed on the buttons of media players, and it expands into a clickable HTML element when users hover their mouse over it. Clicking on this label will display information composed by the advertising provider. The terms are promulgated by the Interactive Advertising Bureau, and they basically offer some options related to how ads from some clients can be displayed at a future time.
It should be noted the the IAB AdChoices program is managed a little different from one advertising network to another. Facebook, for example, provides more information under its Why Am I Seeing This (WAIST) program, and the reason for this additional info is related to the privacy and propaganda issues that the social network has encountered in recent years.
Website visitors who click on the AdChoices icon for the first time are often surprised to learn that they can control the types of advertisements they see displayed on some of the pages they visit. By adjusting the settings, users can see more advertising material related to topics that they are truly interested in, for example, they can choose to see mostly ads about arts and entertainment.
On the Google Display Network, websites that follow the iFrame ad unit format do not have to do anything in terms of coding to make AdChoices work. Publishers who run their own JavaScript for framing must switch over to Google iFrames. For more information click here