Keys to Building Great CSS Websites That Are Effecient

If you're getting involved in any kind of web development, you know that one of the cornerstones of a well-developed site is that it's smooth and functional. This means that you can't bog down the client's browser engine with heavy-handed scripts and bandwidth-sucking visual elements since these can lead up to the fateful millisecond delay that makes or breaks whether your visitors will stay for the ride or head off to the next search result. You also have to remember that Google's algorithm looks for page load times when prioritizing who shows up in what order on the results page.

One of the great ways to get your website looking attractive is with fancy, CSS-driven rendering that yields parallax, specular and other effects that forge a convincingly three-dimensional effect. Other aesthetic options include Material Design inspirations that utilize animated on-site avatars and interactive page elements that make your site more interesting to use. These are all splendid ways to get people to visit, stick around and return for more, but you have to consider how much data, processing power and time you're using up when you implement these.

The good news is, there are incredibly efficient ways to implement these effects for both mobile and stationary computing platforms. While there are many programs you can use to create and compile code, scripts and more for a variety of implementations, you might want to look into a hardware solution for your clients by digging out a little change for an extra server or two. If your primary rig is powerful enough to host an instance of your website and deal with multiple simultaneous server-side rendering operations, then you're already set.

Yes, I'm talking about doing the processing for your visitors. Instead of forcing their PC or smartphone to load everything and run it on its own engines, hardware and drivers, you can opt to shoulder that burden on your end. It can save time, energy and patience for your visitors in the long run while allowing your site to utilize great-looking effects that attract your target market. If in doubt, remember that for all their software prowess, even Facebook has to resort to a degree of server-side rendering for their clients with the animated reaction emojis.

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