If you sell SEO services, which include getting clients backlinks, you need to get them ones Google will see as a recommendation of your website. This is really what earned backlinks should be; a site owner who views your site as a source of additional, helpful information for their readers. Therefore, Google uses backlinks as a ranking factor.
There are several problems with getting backlinks for clients. Clients who have bought links off Fivver expect you to get then 100 links a month, which simply isn't possible unless you buy links from private blog networks or spammy websites and blogs. Since this can earn a client a penalty from Google, you don't want to do this. Quality link building takes time, and it isn't cheap. If a client expects an exact number of links for a certain price, in a specific time frame you're better off not having them as a client.
Clients also expect backlinks from high domain authority sites. DA is not something Google considers; the search engine looks for relevancy and quality sites. DA is a score MOZ, an SEO software company, gives to websites to gauge how well they may rank in the search results.
It's up to you to explain backlinks to clients/who believe more is better. Having a well-rounded backlink portfolio is important to rank better, but backlinks serve another purpose. An in-depth, well-written guest post may get you a backlink. but it should also drive traffic to your website. Even nofollow links can drive traffic. Most clients understand more traffic is just as good, if not better, than a higher ranking.
Clients will pay for your expertise in link building if they are smart. Build quality backlinks to pages on their site that will increase their revenue using relevant anchor text. Anyone can buy links; smart webmasters pay for earned links from quality content/ For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/mpd9qr/ittookusnearly2yearstogetto1million_arr/.