What Do You Think About This Strategy For CTR Optimization?

If you have been doing search engine optimization for a couple of years, you more than likely know that there is more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to improving click-through rates. The number of variations to consider is endless, but at some point you have to accept that there's simply no way to go about optimizing for every browser, every page, or every visitor. The right mix of features, plugins and scripts can go a long way toward increasing your average CTR.

To help make sense of all this, seasoned SEO professionals are known to develop various strategies that they share with their peers. CTR optimization is a matter of trial and error; what works for one website may not work for another, but this does not mean that you should stop trying. Many SEO practitioners are more than happy to share their CTR improvement processes, and the one below was recently posted on a popular SEO forum:

This basic CTR optimizer process that you've been doing some form of CTR optimization without success; after all, you're the one running the analysis. Your first step should be to figure out what keywords you need to improve the most. Now you can go back and explore your site for relevant pages and pages in general, and you can look at those you can improve the most. In other words, you should not be looking at your worst performers now because improving them will only result in an uptick. What you want is a 10% overall improvement at the least.

The key to improving your CTR is not "just looking for the lowest average" – that's not going to lead to a better CTR, buit it's going to mean you're getting much closer to the goal. For now, you're limited by an average value which is a lot to ask of a visitor, so you have to take the time and use the tools you have available to you to get the biggest bang for your buck. If you continue to improve what is already yielding results, you will come away with a higher overall CTR. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/nju8tt/howtooptimizectrmy_process/.