When Google AdWords Might Not Be What Your Business Needs

Google AdWords is an advertising option offered by Google where your ads appear above and to the right of searches. People searching for a product or service will see your ad and hopefully click on it. You pay for each click, regardless of whether the customer converts.

Marketers Don't Always Get Search

In a retail store, you may place microwave ovens next to countertop convection ovens. If someone is interested in one, they might want the other one instead. This works well in a retail setting because people are browsing. When consumers shop online, they want to save time. They know exactly what they want, and there isn't enough space for you to explain the advantages of countertop convection ovens over microwaves. You have to understand search intent.

Are You an Enterprise-Level Brand?

Enterprise-level brands have the resources to run effective campaigns. Small businesses find AdWords overwhelming, since there is so much to consider. Unless you're willing to learn or hire a reputable marketing agency to run your campaign, you may not see a good return on your investment.

Landing Pages

If you are not good at making landing pages, AdWords isn't for you. Since you're paying for every click, you need a highly targeted landing page that converts, The landing page has to explain your offer clearly in three seconds and tell visitors how to convert with no unnecessary steps.

Does Your Company Offer Good Value?

Don't waste your money on AdWords if your offer isn't appealing on the landing page. You can offer a cheap price on stylish women's boots, but if someone clicks on your ad and finds your shipping costs too high or you have a strict return policy, your visitors won't convert. What's the point of paying for clicks when your offer isn't as good as your competitors?

Google's AdWords can increase your sales, or it can be a costly mistake. Learn all you can before jumping in. For more information click here https://www.reddit.com/r/SEO/comments/lr45yg/googleamtoldusweneedtospend2mayear_on/.