#11 - 15 Best SEO Tips According to 10 Best SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of setting up your site so the search engines know what it is about, know how good the content is, and know that it will be exactly what their own customers are searching for. The process can be difficult for someone unfamiliar with it, and there is a lot of misinformation out there, making finding the Best Search Engine Optimization Tips difficult.

#11 of 25 Best SEO Tips It's very easy to just lift an image from one site and use it on your own, and unfortunately many do it without fear of real consequences. Use a tool to find sites that have lifted your images and are using it on their site, and rather than threaten them to take it down, get them to link back to your site instead. This unlikely course of action can really swing things in your favor, making it one of the Best Search Engine Optimization Tips to get the edge on your competition.

#12 of 25 Best SEO Tips Services like Google Alerts can let you know when anyone on the Internet mentions your site. This is valuable for keeping track of what people think about you, of course, but when a publication takes notice you can also send a timely email asking them to link to you in their coverage. It's a small thing that improves their own article if they forgot, and helps you get better ranking, making it one of the Best SEO Tips.

#13 of 25 Best SEO Tips Search engines know how much traffic social media governs nowadays, and they watch the popular social sites like a hawk to see what is popular. One of the Top SEO Tips is to create profiles at each of the major sites and try to remain as active as possible, attracting a following in the process. The search engine cares about likes and followers, so you should too. Those followers can turn into new customers, too!

#14 of 25 Best SEO Tips Like keyword stuffing, search engines now watch for too many links to too new a site from too many pages that it considers low quality, so whilebacklinks are important, be careful not to overdo it. If the search engines think you might be trying to game them, they can blacklist your site and push it back to the doldrums of page 10, where not even our Top Search Engine Optimization Tips can dig you out!

#15 of 25 Best SEO Tips Search engines like things to stay fresh, which means regular updates on websites to show that they are being actively managed. For some sites this can be difficult, since the most relevant information will not change very often. To get around this, consider starting a company blog where you can post about new happenings in the company, new products, or anything else around the office. This can double as the primary source for your social media postings!